Legal & Taxation Committee
The Legal and Taxation Committee (LTC) monitors the evolving legal and tax landscape, identifying areas where further improvements can be made. They actively engage in discussions with policymakers and other stakeholders as the voice of the international business community in Belgium.
- Promote a positive investment climate in Belgium with specific regard to fiscal and non-fiscal incentives and, in general, to promote the continued improvement in the overall legal and tax climate for investors.
- Advocate for improvements in various tax rules of a more specific nature which are of concern to business and to minimize the additional administrative burden imposed on companies by the introduction of new rules.
- Continuously improve the user-friendliness and speed of the daily interface between the Belgian tax authorities and its clients.
- Encourage further cooperation between Belgium and the United States, including the resolution of bilateral transfer pricing disputes and promoting the benefits of closer trade and investment relations.
What sets AmCham apart is its ability to gather a unique group of Belgium's top-tier tax professionals, including in-house tax directors, accomplished senior tax lawyers and seasoned tax consultants. The Legal & Taxation Committee convenes this exceptional group on a monthly basis, facilitating invaluable collaboration and exchanges among the finest tax experts in the country.

Belgium's top legal & tax experts.
Their efforts have resulted in changes in tax law that have a positive and profound impact on the operating environment for our member companies in Belgium.
AmCham Belgium's Domestic Tax Subcommittee focuses on shaping and improving the corporate tax system in Belgium. This includes discussing new international and European legislation, safeguarding incentives and simplifying existing regulations. The Subcommittee collaborates on BEPS 2.0, assessing OECD proposals and engaging with stakeholders to protect Belgium's tax advantages, especially for R&D. It also monitors international tax developments and strives to enhance interactions between taxpayers and tax authorities, promoting efficiency and digitalization.
AmCham Belgium's Employee Taxation Subcommittee focuses on reducing labor costs to attract investors and retain talent in Belgium. It monitors individual tax and social security issues, follows tax reforms affecting employment costs and collaborates with government and organizations on topics like the new Inpatriate Tax Status and social security caps.
AmCham Belgium's Indirect Tax Subcommittee monitors and advises on EU and Belgian legislation to improve and simplify VAT, customs and trade practices. It provides input on international trade strategies, considers digitalization to enhance compliance and addresses CJEU case law impacts. The Subcommittee also engages with ESG policies and organizes events on customs and trade, representing AmCham Belgium at the National Forum for Customs.
AmCham Belgium's International Tax Subcommittee monitors new developments from the UN, OECD and EU. It engages with Belgian Ministry of Finance officials regarding the EU Council presidency and oversees the implementation of Pillar 2, sharing best practices among corporate members.
AmCham Belgium's Legal Subcommittee monitors and informs members about key legal developments, including the Belgian Code of Companies & Associations and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
AmCham Belgium's R&D and Innovation Subcommittee monitors developments in R&D and innovation, including the innovation income deduction, R&D payroll tax exemption, R&D investment deduction and tax credit and government grants.
Leadership Team

An De Reymaeker
Vandendijk & Partners

Adeline Bruyere
AB InBev

Pieter Van Den Berghe
Monard Law

Vicar Yang
SD Worx
You can apply to join our Legal & Taxation Committee if your company is already a Corporate or Patron member of AmCham Belgium.